The Blue Inmates

The film follows inmates in Roumieh Prison (Lebanon) who produced a theater play inside prison about their fellow inmates suffering from mental illness. Unfortunately the Lebanese Penal Code, enacted in 1943, stipulates that “Insane”, “Mad” or “Possessed” offenders shall be incarcerated until evidence of “being cured”, however mental illness is managed and never cured… Therefore, mentally ill offenders are practically receiving a life sentence and without any psychological or medical care.

Zeina Daccache is a Lebanese actress, theater & film director, clinical psychologist & drama therapist. She is the founder and Executive Director of the first Arab Center for Drama Therapy: Catharsis and works as drama therapist in different settings (prisons, refugee camps, etc.). She produced the pioneer theater production and film “12 Angry Lebanese”, the play “Scheherazade in Baabda” and the documentary “The Blue Inmates” conveying the voice of mentally ill offenders, accompanied by a draft law presented to the Lebanese Parliament.