Ghost Hunting

A set-up for an experiment in an empty room. Former inmates reconstruct an Israeli secret service interrogation centre. These Palestinian men use role play to come to terms with their memories and the humiliation they have experienced.
المخرج رائد أندوني يضع إعلانا في إحدى الصحف في رام الله. وهو يبحث عن سجناء سابقين في مركز استجواب موسكوبيا في القدس. وبعد عملية اختيار الممثلين، يرتب لبناء نسخة طبق الأصل من غرف الاستجواب والزنازين في المركز ليتم توسيع نطاقها داخل قاعة – تحت إشراف دقيق من السجناء السابقين وبناء على ذكرياتهم. في هذا السياق الواقعي، يعيد الرجال بعد ذلك تمثيل استجواباتهم، ويناقشون تفاصيل عن السجن، ويعبرون عن الإذلال الذي تعرضوا له أثناء احتجازهم.

Raed Andoni is a Palestinian director and producer, active since 1997 as the co-founder of two production companies: DAR FILMS in Palestine, and LES FILMS DE ZAYNA in Paris. His first documentary as a director, IMPROVISATION (2005), follows the Palestinian Joubran family as they create the musical OUD. For his first feature-length film, FIX ME (2009) Andoni filmed twenty of his psychotherapy sessions in Ramallah, Palestine. Featuring a Woody Allen-esque array of characters, including members of his own family, FIX ME explores the need for finding individuality in a place so dominated by politics and collective identity. His latest documentary GHOST HUNTING was awarded with Glashuette Original Documentary Award during the Award Ceremony of the 67th Berlinale film festival.